
Transition Series

The Transition Series is here to elevate regeneration taking place across multiple sectors; Healthcare & Medicine, Food and Farming, and Fashion, Fibre & Textiles.

The UK regenerative movement is emerging in the midst of our interconnected environmental, farming, and health crises. People and organisations are working to regenerate and heal these broken systems across all sectors, but challenges persist due to underfunded, siloed initiatives.

The Transition Series is designed to act as a catalyst for the regenerative movement as a whole. Through interdisciplinary media and practical tools, our goal is to support and accelerate a wider regenerative transition, healing our interconnected systems.


By bridging gaps, we hope to change practice, policy, and culture towards engagement with resilient ecosystems.

By bridging gaps, we hope to change practice, procurement, policy, and culture towards engagement with resilient ecosystems.

Fashion, Fibre, Textiles

The Fashion, Fibre & Textiles series seeks to catalyse the burgeoning regenerative movement in fashion by amplifying the work of those building resilient, bioregional textile systems and support the initiatives of those guiding farmers and brands in their transition.

We aim to inspire fashion industry professionals, consumers, growers, makers and designers towards engagement with resilient fashion ecosystems, fostering a paradigm shift towards regenerative mindsets and practices.

Regenerative Fashion Series have a positive impact on communities and landscapes through nature-inspired systems thinking. This begins with sourcing from regeneratively farmed landscapes, emphasising ‘relational’ support to fibre growers that extends throughout the fashion value network.

Coming Soon

Health and Medicine

Food and Farming

Coming Soon



Live Public Events



On-Farm Expert Workshops

B2B WorkingGroups